January 2025 – About Shine
“Let your light shine before other, that they may see your good deeds and glorify you Father in Heaven” ― Matthew 5:16
I started Shine Sound Therapy LLC in 2022 after my own struggles. I knew I wanted to help others feel better mentally and physically. Through the past few years my business has evolved and grown. I have met so many people and am grateful for this this. I want to take this newsletter to reintroduce myself and share my story.
My journey to establish Shine Sound Therapy, LLC, like many people’s journeys, started with some powerful personal experiences.
I’m a long-time believer in natural medicine and a holistic approach to health and well-being. It’s something I practice at my home in Wisconsin with my family. A grueling experience when I was tested for Lyme disease reinforced my need to do two things:
- Be my own advocate.
- Listen to my gut when I sensed something wasn’t quite right.
Dealing with symptoms of Lyme disease, I tried the traditional medications recommended. Still, I endured symptoms ranging from a numb face and hands to sharp shooting pains.
All I could think was, “This isn’t normal. I know my body and I know things aren’t right.”
That led me to pursue care from a holistic doctor who looked at me as a whole person and used elements of both traditional and alternative medicine to successfully manage my health.
That experience reinforced how important my intuition was, and to heed it.
So when I sensed I needed to leave my career as a construction project coordinator – to accommodate our busy family lifestyle and to honor my need for a less-stressful career – my family was on board with that.
I was listening to my intuition, even though I didn’t know where things would go next. I just sensed I was being called to do something more with my life…that I wasn’t yet fulfilling part of my purpose.
After leaving my construction career in April 2022, I happily turned my attention to spending a summer with my girls and training our family dog, Stella. Summer is such a short window here in Wisconsin, and I had visions of all the fun outings and activities we would do. Unfortunately, out of nowhere, I was caught off guard by severe anxiety and panic attacks. When I thought about it, I realized they could have been triggered by leaving my job. I did feel like I had lost a piece of identity, even though I knew I was doing the right thing. The panic attacks and anxiety reared up. They tied up my stomach in knots and the anxiety and worry overshadowed everything else.
I was able to function – but barely. This wasn’t living! It was existing and always with worry about when the next episode would strike. I knew I needed to do something. I didn’t want to take anti-anxiety prescription medication, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure where to turn. That’s when a conversation with my aunt reminded me of how my uncle had successfully used sound therapy to conquer an addiction.
And after doing a bit of reading and deliberating, I scheduled a session in June 2022. Imagine my surprise when I sensed a change, a fundamental shift, that same day. It was like the sound practitioners dissolved some of the emotions causing my panic attacks. I still felt some of those emotions, but it was like I could look at them with some emotional distance.
As days went by, there were things that would come up that used to make me sick to my stomach, at best, or cause a panic attack, at worst. But after the sound therapy, I was able to handle those situations. There was a sense of calm and peace I felt that wasn’t there before.
Fast forward several months to today, and I haven’t had a panic attack since. Anxiety or worry might creep up on occasion, but I am able to just observe those thoughts and feelings rather than having them run rampant through my body. I’ve been able to live my life without anxiety limiting my abilities.
Sound therapy got to the root of my issues.
By August 2022, I knew I wanted to help others experience the life-changing benefits of sound therapy. I sensed there was divine intervention leading me to the next chapter of my career. More than that, I sensed I was answering a calling in my heart. Where else would I have the opportunity to combine my intuitive nature, compassion, sensitivity, caring personality and passion than in a career in sound therapy?
I felt a sense of peace and alignment when I made the decision.
I obtained my sound therapy certification and then followed my intuition in naming my business Shine Sound Therapy, LLC. My business name feels right because it is aligned with the message shared in Matthew 5:16:
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Through Shine Sound Therapy, I am honored to provide customized sound therapy services, both in person and remotely, to help others attain the peace, alignment and optimum health we all deserve.
Want to learn more about how Shine Sound Therapy could help you? Visit the list of Shine Sound Therapy’s life-changing sound therapy services by visiting the website shinesoundtherapy.com
May your story be beautiful no matter what the road looks like.